The Pipolo family has dedicated years to the improvement of a product sought after all over the world that carries on the symbol of Italianness.
Pasta, as simple as it is complex, has become the centre of the life of a family that in its love for tradition has found the key to success.
Today it tells the story of this family, which has transformed a passion into work, allowing the Pasta Factory to stretch its roots in the soil that saw it born and redesign,
in small steps, the history of local gastronomy.
Pastificio Pipolo offers a wide range of products, from the simplest to the most elaborate. It has struggled a lot over the years to reconcile tradition and innovation, this aspect brings out a differentiation within the company that has then proved to be fundamental. On the one hand, you look back in a way pushed towards tradition, trying to bring the quality of “home-made”, a feature that attracts a lot of the Italian market, on the other you look further and you offer the customer a product that is always artisan but also innovative, characterized by special shapes and colors that attract the attention of tourists and the foreign market.

The production
The secret of Pipolo pasta is hidden in small but essential processes. Starting from the study of formats, through the selection of raw materials, proceeding in production and finishing in packaging, the Pipolo family is sure to offer a product that brings with it love, quality and attention to detail.

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